He Just Wants Us

There are days when you feel overwhelmed and not quite sure of some things. Your faith is strong, but you wonder if it’s enough. For me, I know I need to get alone with God. I need to seek His voice during those times. So what do I do? I always love to take walks. I talk out loud, pray out loud, and listen silently as awkward as it may look to the neighbors driving by.

Something that came out of those words was, “God, what do you need me to do for you today?” then I asked myself, “Or is it what do you want me to do for you today?”

Then in His still small voice, He let me have it.

“See, I don’t need anyone to do something for me. I fulfill my own needs, because I am the need-filler. But, give me someone who wants to do something for me. That has a want; a desire to fulfill Me is who I am looking for, what I am looking for.

God is looking for someone ready, willing, and able.

Someone that wants God.

Someone that God can use because you want Him too.

Sometimes our needs become so much greater than our wants because our desires or passions in life get covered up by our needs.

Mortgage, utilities, kids clothes, cars, car insurance (especially for 4 teens) and on and on.

But didn’t God say that he even feeds the birds?

That He knows your needs before you even know them.

I think God gets tired of us asking for our needs and He just wants us. He just wants our wants. He is a smart God. Why would He write a Book to remind us of His promises and yet doubt them at the same time? He says, He will fulfill your needs, do you believe Him? He longs for your wants for Him to be greater than your needs.

He wants your mind in Him, not the need

I promise you that God wants all of you without the worry, without the doubt, without the fear and just you.

We could easily ask God “What do you have for me to do for you today?” revising the question and I think God refreshes from both. He then breathes a sigh-of-relief with a smile on His face gently saying:

“Here is someone ready, willing and able.”

Then watch what happens next.


What Caught My Eye This Week - July #4


Surround Yourself With Greatness