@stickyJesus Read-Along Chapter 12

If you don’t know what Twitter is or don’t have a Twitter account…beware. Twitter for me has been one of the most addictive and insightful conversation tools in social media.  I have gained friendships, gathered information and received instant prayer requests from Twitter.

Twitter is a powerhouse in and of itself.

I caution you to use your time wisely.  Pray and ask God how He wants you to use Twitter. Twitter isn’t something to be afraid of or timid about.  Twitter can be used for His glory by simply tweeting a scripture or a quote.  You’ll find that most Twitter users do this in the morning when they have just come from devotion time with God and tweeting something that spoke to them.

I have gained friendships from Twitter. Lasting friendships that were conducted in 140 characters or less that we now meet for coffee or lunch.

Here are 6 Twitter Friends you need to follow:

Toni Birdsong - @tonibirdsong

Tami Heim - @tamiheim

Kim Cash Tate - @kimcashtate

Lynette Lewis - @lynette_lewis

Maurilio Amorim - @maurilio

Steven Furtick - @stevenfurtick

How have you used Twitter?  If you are not on Twitter, why?


God, I Thank You


Wednesday Wisdom - Enjoy the Bliss