It's a New Season with a New Look.

Since Spring is just around the corner, I was ready for a new look and instead gained so much more. So what do you think?

Yep, this is where I've been all of last week.

I had lunch with an incredibly gracious friend, who is full of wisdom, let me talk her ear off with what I wanted to do with this space called a blog and really felt a need to define this space.  With her inspiration this is what I came up with.

I love it.

I want you to read my "new" About page.  It helps you get to know me and, hopefully, has you coming back for more.

Also, on the Home page you will see a space called "Wednesday Wisdom".  My goal for this space each Wednesday is to come into your home with my actual voice.  I may come with an encouraging word, a devotion or even have some guest speakers come and answer some questions you might have. My promise to you is to keep this at 3 minutes with nothing over 5 minutes. I believe your time is valuable.

So take a look around and Welcome to my Home.


He is in Control of the Thermostat


@stickyJesus Read-Along Chapter 10